Monday, February 27, 2006

Moving On & Over

My new blog is:

It seems like this was never published. These were the problems with blogger at the time and why I left:

Well I decided to leave Blogger and move my blog to Wordpress. There are lot's of things I like about Blogger (besides the very fact that I'm used to it). But the one thing I really don't like is there is no Categories and I still havent' found a way to create categories for my blog entries. I think Categories are nice for myself and readers (and it's not cause I'm an organizing freak..seriously you should see my room!) I really like the amount of templates and the presentaton of those templates that Blogger has also... wordpress cannot compare with the presentation.

But most of all I'm able to move it to a new host and new name. The name of my new site is called monkeynotions. I figured what's the point of creating such a high standard for myself with a site and blog called smartnotions and forcing myself to sound quasi-intellectual all the time? I've relaxed and now can feel free to *monkey* around with notions or make it seem like the notions came from a monkey... some would argue a lower standard...heh heh... Well check out my new blog!!

P.S. I still have not quite understood Republish Entire Blog or just Republish Index... sigh who would havee thought blogging would be such a difficult thing?

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